Office: Bourns Hall A308






Pearl of Wisdom

A bum, who'd obviously seen more than his share of hard times, approached a   well-dressed man on the street. "Hey, Buddy.........can you spare two dollars?"  The well-dressed man replied......

"You're not going to spend it on liquor are you?"
"No, sir, I don't drink," retorts the bum.

"You're  not going to throw it away on fishing gear, are you?".... the gentleman  asked.
"No way!... I don't fish either!"  Answered the bum. 

"You wouldn't  waste the money on a deer license, would you?" asks the man.
"Never!" says the bum, "I don't hunt!"

So the man asked the bum if he'd  like to come home with him for a home cooked meal. The bum accepted eagerly. While they were heading for the man's house, the bum's curiosity got the better of him.  "Isn't your wife going to be upset when you bring a guy like me to your house for dinner?" "Probably," said the man, "but it'll be damn well worth it for her to see what happens to a man that doesn't drink, fish or hunt"......................